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February 17, 2015


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It is amazing how you have all the facts on what happened and why voters do what they do when in fact it is secret and only the voter knows why they choose not to choose but it is a fact. Voter's do leave some office choices blank or the entire ballot for that matter. Your headline is very misleading and does not promote voting, your headline in fact encourages people to disengage in voting. Good job..

Gary Fineout

I appreciate the comment. Perhaps the headline should have said it would have not affected the overall outcome. The main point was to show how the number of undervotes actually declined this year from 2010.


I agree about the headline. There were no (valid) votes uncounted. I suggest "More than 82,000 voters didn't vote in governor's race, but did it really matter?" I know in print media they writer often has no input regarding the headline.

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